I haven't been posting as much as usual the past few months mainly because so many things are going on and my mind is kind of everywhere. Pregnancy has certainly made things harder and is changing my life. School was harder to accomplish, cleaning is harder to do, the laundry detergent is a horrible smell to me now, and though my energy has been returning, I still wear out faster than I used to. My body is also changing in ways I never even considered pre-pregnancy. My emotions are kind of everywhere and I now cry easier and at things that normally wouldn't phase me. I was watching a movie the other day and just started bawling at a particular scene. Before pregnancy I would have been moved by it but I wouldn't have cried, let alone bawl. I also forget things more often and feel like an idiot sometimes. I've walked into rooms and have totally forgotten why I was there. That's never happened before. So, there have been lots of changes and there are plenty more to come.
The morning sickness seems to have subsided. A few things still make me sick every now and then but for the most part I am done with throwing up. Now, it's dealing with gas and indigestion which can be uncomfortable. My back will also start to ache if I sit or stand too long. I guess I better get used to that because I'm assuming it will only get worse the bigger I get. I'm definitely not as miserable as I was a few weeks ago so I'm thankful for that.
The two things I am looking forward to in the near future is showing more and finding out the gender of our little one. I have an unltrasound at 20 weeks so only four more weeks to go. Hopefully the baby will cooperate and, for this ONE time, be "immodest." ;) I REALLY want to know what we're having so I can stop calling the baby "it" and starting using a name; as well as pick out baby stuff!! I feel like I'll also be able to bond a little bit more with the baby knowing the name and gender. Kyle and I both would like to begin our family with a boy but we wonder if, because we want a boy, that it's a girl. Either way I will be happy and hopefully Kyle will too. If it's a girl, I can totally see our little girl having her daddy wrapped around her little finger. :) I'm sure he will fall in love either way.
Christmas is only three days away and I am looking forward to spending it with Kyle and his side of the family. We have presents all around the tree and stockings hanging over the fireplace. We even have a little sock tacked up there for the baby. :) Though it will be over far too soon, it will be a nice Christmas and the year ahead is full of new journeys and good changes. I can't wait. :)
Great post!! I can really relate. You are so lucky you only have one more month to go before finding out the sex!