Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Baby Update

I have begun the third and last trimester of my pregnancy. Three more months sounds like a lot but that's only 12 weeks and that doesn't sound like a lot at all. So far this pregnancy has seemed to fly by but I hear the third trimester tends to crawl so we'll see how fast these last 12 weeks go.

I have begun to feel anxious thinking about how close the due date is getting and how much there is still to do. His room isn't ready let alone the house we're suppose to move into! I think about what all needs to be done and all the things we still need and it's a bit overwhelming. I want things to be done and ready well before he arrives but I don't know how realistic that is. The closer I get to his due date the bigger and more uncomfortable I'm going to get which means the harder it's going to be to get everything ready. I wish I could work on things now while I still have the energy.

My stomach has really grown in the past trimester...even in just the past month or so. I see myself in the mirror and I'm amazed at how much I just keep growing! It means he's growing and that means we are indeed approaching his birthday! He is a pretty active baby and enjoys giving me some swift kicks throughout the day amongst a ton of movement. Who knows what he's doing in there sometimes! I love feeling him move though and watching how Kyle reacts to the movements he feels makes me so happy. It reminds us that there really is a little person in there that we are so anxious to meet and get to know!

The trials that I'm facing as I enter the third trimester are aches and pains, emotional roller coasters, and the anxiousness that comes as each week passes by. My hips hurt as they widen and prepare for birth, my back hurts as my growing tummy puts more and more strain on it, my right thigh goes numb thanks to the sciatic nerve acting up, and I'm prone to bursting into tears for no reason at all. The uncontrollable hormones and crying episodes are most upsetting. It's a different kind of emotional breakdown. For one, it usually comes on really quickly and randomly. Everything will be fine, no reason to be upset, and then all of a sudden, BAM! I'm crying my eyes out. For another, I know in my head that there is no rational reason for me to be crying and yet I can't help it. I don't have control over my emotions when this happens and it's really unsettling. Even though it's totally normal and my crazy pregnant hormones are to blame, it's upsetting to feel so sad when I should be so happy. It makes me feel guilty.

So, needless to say, pregnancy is hard at times. It's strange because it's both miserable and wonderful, hard and exciting. A baby changes everything, even from the moment you find out you have conceived. Though I have had, have, and will continue to have my difficult moments, I am very thankful for how well this pregnancy has gone. Everything has been pretty normal, there haven't been a lot of worries or concerns, no ER trips, nothing out of the ordinary. It hasn't even really effected me and Kyle's relationship in a negative way as pregnancy can do sometimes. We've has some rough moments but for the most part it has just drawn us closer together. Kyle has been really great. He's been very supportive and understanding. I'm very blessed to have him as a husband and I'm confident in his ability to be a good father. Though he may be timid at first I think he's going to be very willing to help and do his part with the baby. I can't wait to see him hold our son. :)

All in all, things are going well. I may be getting more and more uncomfortable but Grayson is growing and kicking and getting ready to make his appearance...but hopefully not too soon or too late. :) And, Lord willingly, we'll be ready for him by the time June comes around. It really will be here before we know it!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, I'm sooooo happy for you and Kyle! I can make some time to help you guys out with some projects at the new house or with whatever, k? Thursdays and Fridays are usually good for me... Love you! :) -- Pegg
