Wednesday, November 17, 2010

21 Years of Life

Friday is my birthday. I will be 21.

I know that is not old. I know that 21 is quite young. Life goes by so fast though. I remember when I was little thinking about how the ages of 16, 18 and 21 were so old and so far off. When I was a kid life seemed so slow and so familiar. It was easy then. Safe. Secure. It felt like I had all the time in the world. Now, however, I have seen how fast time flies. I'm a senior in college and a wife. All my life I wanted it to happen so quickly but it felt like it was happening so slowly. And now, when I want it all to slow down, it just seems to fly be even faster. It's funny how life is like that.

For my birthday, Kyle is taking me to the Allen Americans game Friday night. I'm so excited! They better win because if they don't it will spoil my birthday. ;) Kyle also has the day off Friday so I'll get to spend the whole day with my honey! I'm looking forward to it. :)

I am thankful for life and the 21 years God has granted me thus far. He has been faithful, just and forgiving. I look forward to the years ahead and the blessings and hardships He has in store for me.

Happy birthday to me! :)


I still love being married. It's the greatest and most challenging experience of my life. Kyle is such a good man. His smile and silliness lights up my life and keeps me going. He is a good second half, and he keeps me balanced. I love him very much. . .more than words can say.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah!

    I didn't realize tomorrow was your birthday! You're going to be 21? How fun!

    I'm turning 21 next month too and I know exactly how you feel. Getting older is sometimes hard to believe... guess my parents were right! :)

    Hope you have a happy HAPPY day!!!
