Monday, November 1, 2010

I Love Being a Woman!

"You know the depths of my heart and still love me the same/You are amazing God..."

This past weekend was a blast! The girls leadership retreat went really well and it was just fun to be with a bunch of girls. Though I was there as a leader to hang out with the "retreaters" I found myself being encouraged and refreshed.

It was a year or so ago when I learned how amazing it is to be a woman and how dear to the Lord's heart I am. I read the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge and it opened up my eyes to my role as a woman and the fact that the way I feel and respond to the world is something I share with all women. I long to unveil beauty, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, and to be wanted, needed, pursued. And like all women, I live in fear of being too much or not enough. I strive to be just right but I always miss the mark. . .so I hide and pretend and hope that no one ever discovers how tired, how lonely, and how desperate I really am.

It was amazing to read this book because it felt like the authors had peered into my heart and where writing about me. And in a way, they were. It was so good to know that I wasn't alone in these desires, thoughts, and fears. And it was even better to discover that all of these desires (the desire to be seen, to unveil beauty, to be loved, pursued, and a part of a romantic adventure) was put within me by God Himself. I am like this because I was made in His image. My very essence is beauty because my Creator is Beauty. I bear the part of God's image that is beautiful, romantic, soft, gentle, emotional, relational, and feminine. Creation was not complete without woman, in fact it wasn't even good. God made woman because it was not good for man to be alone. God made woman to be his helpmate, to be his life sustainer. That is an amazing role to have! I appreciate it even more now that I am married. When my husband tells me how much he loves me and what an incredible woman I am it reminds me of the role I play in his life. It is a role no one else can play in the way that I can. The romantic side of me finds it simply wonderful and hopelessly romantic.

I was also reminded this weekend that though my husband loves me like no other man ever has, God knows the deepest depths of my heart and still loves me the same. I have an amazing husband but an even more amazing God. The fact that both my God and my husband will love me whether I am too much or not enough in this world makes me a very blessed woman.

I love being a woman!

"He is jealous for me/Loves like a hurricane/I am a tree/Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy/When all of a sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory/and I realize just how beautiful You are and how great Your affections are for me/How He loves us/Oh how He loves us/Oh how He loves us/How He loves us all"

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