My Christmas was a wonderful time spent with family. I got to meet and hold my baby niece Cilicia and cherished the time I spent with her. She is so cute and cuddly! :)
Christmas Eve Eve was my little sister's birthday so me, Kyle, and our friend Chase helped chaperon her birthday party. We had like 15 teenage girls we had to keep busy so we led games for them. That was both fun and chaotic. Teenage girls like to scream and have a hard time focusing...I had forgotten. ;)
Christmas Eve was spent baking our favorite cookie recipes: chocolate chip and butter cookies. My big brother, John-Paul, used to do all the baking when he was younger but then past it on to me when I was old enough. So I baked the chocolate chip and he baked the butter cookies. John-Paul kept remembering all of the food we used to eat growing up and the different old recipes in the family. It was fun to reminisce and fill our bellies with cookies.
Later that night we went to the Christmas Eve Candle Light Service at my parent's church then came home and ordered pizza. Yum! Later, my sister-in-law (who usually opens presents on Christmas Eve) convinced my brother to open a present from her. We were all glad she did because it was an Xbox Kinect! John-Paul hooked it up and we all played for hours. It was really fun and hilarious to watch each other play. Even my mom got in on it and we all laughed as she danced, kicked, and punched the air. As someone who usually doesn't like video games, I really enjoyed it because one, it got the whole family involved and two, YOU are the controller which means your whole body is moving and being active. I felt so sore for like two days after that night!
Around 10 or 11 the electricity started to blink on and off. It was really weird because it wouldn't just blink but click off for a minute and then come back on and then cut off again. Finally it cut off completely and we had to light candles. It had been raining that night and apparently lighting struck a power line. We were without electricity until around midnight but we kept ourselves occupied. We surrounded ourselves with candles and played Pictionary. That was fun and I do believe I was the winner in that game. :)
Christmas Day my sister had us all up early. We opened presents and then lounged around and played some more Kinect until we went over to my grandparents house for lunch. It was a good, tiring day and we all slept in Sunday morning. Kyle and I took our time moving around but eventually headed home by 2pm.
It was a great Christmas and probably the most fun my family has had all together in a long time. It was a blessing to have everyone there and, for the most part, getting along and having a good time together. I am thankful to God for a wonderful Christmas season and an awesome year. He has blessed me greatly.
My life as a wife... "The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man.' For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh." - Genesis 2:23-24
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
This Christmas
This Christmas is me and Kyle's first Christmas together. So far it has had its ups and downs but I think this week should be a good one. Kyle is working today and tomorrow and Wednesday we are spending the day preparing to travel on Thursday. There is laundry to do, clothes to pack, and a few more presents to wrap. On Thursday we'll head to Spring, TX to spend Christmas with my family. My big brother and his wife are coming from Austin as well so my parents will have all their kids home for Christmas! It will be the first time for all of us to be together for a holiday in two years! I think the last time was Thanksgiving 2008. Kyle and I will both have our cameras so we'll get lots of family pictures! I'm excited and looking forward to the few days we get to be there.
I love Christmas time but as I get older it seems that life experiences take away the magical feeling that Christmas time used to bring. I don't want to become a Scrooge or a Grinch, I want to always love and enjoy Christmas, but it becomes harder with each year. However, along with those hard life experiences comes the lesson of learning to trust God and have faith in Him. So, this Christmas, as with any Christmas, I recall to the forefront of my mind the birth of Jesus Christ and the Father's plan of redemption. I remember the hope that I have because of Christ's birth, death, and resurrection. I remember that Jesus is the reason of every day, of every step, and of every breath. Whether Christmas comes in that magical way or not, the purpose of this holiday remains the same; to celebrate God's perfect Gift of salvation, love, and grace.
"And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.'"-- Luke 2:8-12
I love Christmas time but as I get older it seems that life experiences take away the magical feeling that Christmas time used to bring. I don't want to become a Scrooge or a Grinch, I want to always love and enjoy Christmas, but it becomes harder with each year. However, along with those hard life experiences comes the lesson of learning to trust God and have faith in Him. So, this Christmas, as with any Christmas, I recall to the forefront of my mind the birth of Jesus Christ and the Father's plan of redemption. I remember the hope that I have because of Christ's birth, death, and resurrection. I remember that Jesus is the reason of every day, of every step, and of every breath. Whether Christmas comes in that magical way or not, the purpose of this holiday remains the same; to celebrate God's perfect Gift of salvation, love, and grace.
"And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.'"-- Luke 2:8-12
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Truth about Adolescence
I am convinced that this culture has caused our youth to feel hopeless and helpless and as a result they have retreated to the world beneath, the one place they feel safe from adult agendas and uncompassionate criticism, and have been abandoned by the adults that surround them. Instead of rushing to their aid to fight for them and to understand their world, adults have heaped expectations, criticism and unjust evaluations upon them. We have handed them a journey of pain and confusion and have stepped back to watch them try to make it all on their own. And when they fail, we deem them unworthy of adulthood. This is the world of our adolescents and it's our fault.
Check out these books to read more about this issue of adolescence and systematic abandonment.
Disconnected: Parenting Teens in a Myspace World
Hurt: Inside the World of Today's Teengage
Check out these books to read more about this issue of adolescence and systematic abandonment.
Disconnected: Parenting Teens in a Myspace World
Hurt: Inside the World of Today's Teengage
Monday, December 13, 2010
Birth Control: Right or Wrong?
After my last post about children I started getting questions about my view of birth control. My immediate response was more or less, "I don't know, I'm still thinking about it."
While preparing for marriage I read a book about sexual intimacy in marriage and it covered the different forms of birth control. With the exception of condoms, all of them left a small window of chance for an egg to be fertilized and then terminated or they sounded shady in a way that made me feel uneasy. I discussed it with Kyle and we both quickly agreed that we would not take that chance. So, as a person who values the sanctity of life and lives by biblical standards, I would argue that using most forms of birth control is wrong. Of course, that leaves myself and anyone else who has faced this with the question, what about condoms or any other "safe" form of birth control? And is using birth control failing to trust God with this area of our life? After a long discussion with my husband and some time in prayer, I came to the conclusion that it is not wrong to use condoms but neither is it wrong to not use condoms.
I believe that a couple can use condoms and still be trusting in God to determine the right time for them to have a child. If they continually seek God's will through prayer then I believe that God will let them know when it's time. And of course condoms or any means of birth control do not limit God. He holds all things together and works all things out according to His will.
On the other extreme, I don't believe that it is wrong or irresponsible of a couple to not use birth control as long as it is something that God has convicted them of. I do believe that God opens and closes the womb and that He is in complete control. If a couple has sought God's wisdom and feels strongly that they should forgo birth control then I believe that they are completely right to do so.
That is my view on birth control. I know that this is a hot topic and that there are many different opinions. It was hard to think through and come to a conclusion. It's a gray area for Christians and I think the best thing to do is to seek God's will and wisdom through prayer and trust in Him. He knows what is best for your marriage and family. I think that is something that all young married couples and parents can find peace in.
While preparing for marriage I read a book about sexual intimacy in marriage and it covered the different forms of birth control. With the exception of condoms, all of them left a small window of chance for an egg to be fertilized and then terminated or they sounded shady in a way that made me feel uneasy. I discussed it with Kyle and we both quickly agreed that we would not take that chance. So, as a person who values the sanctity of life and lives by biblical standards, I would argue that using most forms of birth control is wrong. Of course, that leaves myself and anyone else who has faced this with the question, what about condoms or any other "safe" form of birth control? And is using birth control failing to trust God with this area of our life? After a long discussion with my husband and some time in prayer, I came to the conclusion that it is not wrong to use condoms but neither is it wrong to not use condoms.
I believe that a couple can use condoms and still be trusting in God to determine the right time for them to have a child. If they continually seek God's will through prayer then I believe that God will let them know when it's time. And of course condoms or any means of birth control do not limit God. He holds all things together and works all things out according to His will.
On the other extreme, I don't believe that it is wrong or irresponsible of a couple to not use birth control as long as it is something that God has convicted them of. I do believe that God opens and closes the womb and that He is in complete control. If a couple has sought God's wisdom and feels strongly that they should forgo birth control then I believe that they are completely right to do so.
That is my view on birth control. I know that this is a hot topic and that there are many different opinions. It was hard to think through and come to a conclusion. It's a gray area for Christians and I think the best thing to do is to seek God's will and wisdom through prayer and trust in Him. He knows what is best for your marriage and family. I think that is something that all young married couples and parents can find peace in.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Is There Such a Thing as TOO Many Kids?
I come from a family of nine. I have a mom and a dad, two older siblings, and four younger siblings. People consider us a big family and I remember how people would react when they saw all of us together growing up. My parents usually got the question, "Are they all yours?" People were always interested in the dynamics of a large family yet no one ever really understood. It seems that, for a lot of people, the thought of having more than two or three kids is ridiculous. There are people who would say having a big family is irresponsible and even wrong. I don't agree with those statements at all. I believe children are a blessing and a gift from God. I believe couples should have as many children as God would grant them. God, in His sovereignty, knows how many children each couple should have. I acknowledge that sometimes God grants none, one, just a few, or even as many as 20.
I think most people are familiar with the Duggar family who, as of right now, are a family of 21. My feelings toward this family consist of admiration and respect. I think it is awesome that God has given Michelle and Jim Bob 19 kids to raise and has provided the means in which for them to do so. I admire their trust in God and their willingness to accept each child He gives them. Their lives revolve around the children God has given to them and they appear to fulfill their roles as parents by teaching, guiding, loving, and raising their children to be godly men and women. I believe that every parent should devote themselves to their children in this way. And in doing so, they are devoting themselves to God and His calling of them as parents; to take His children, train them up in the way they should go, and then give them back to Him.
Now, I don't want anyone to misunderstand me. I'm not saying that once you're a parent that you're never anything else. I do believe that parents have other roles in life as well. They aren't just parents but also a spouse, a friend, a co-worker, ect. Parents have hobbies and dreams as well and I believe that every parent needs a break every now and then and needs to have a "life" outside of their kids as long as it doesn't affect the kids in a negative way. My point is that to be a parent is a very high calling and to be given the opportunity to love and raise as many children as God would give is a gift no one should deny.
I don't think that there is such a thing as TOO many kids. I believe that God gives as many kids as He sees fit to each couple and that number, whatever it is, is just right.
All my life I have had a strong desire to be a mother. I have always said that I want four or five because in my mind that's not too few and not too many. However, when Kyle and I were preparing for marriage and discussed children we both agreed that we would trust God with how many kids we will have. We both have our own ideas about what number would be a good "fit" in our eyes but that is only in our eyes. Neither of us have ever been a parent before so we both admit that after baby number 1 our minds could change entirely. So, instead of relying on ourselves to make a "responsible" decision, we are trusting God to steer our hearts and minds towards His will for our family. We will receive with joy every child He gives us and will seek His will about when we have "enough."
So too many kids? No way.
Many blessings bestowed on those undeserving? Yes.
I think most people are familiar with the Duggar family who, as of right now, are a family of 21. My feelings toward this family consist of admiration and respect. I think it is awesome that God has given Michelle and Jim Bob 19 kids to raise and has provided the means in which for them to do so. I admire their trust in God and their willingness to accept each child He gives them. Their lives revolve around the children God has given to them and they appear to fulfill their roles as parents by teaching, guiding, loving, and raising their children to be godly men and women. I believe that every parent should devote themselves to their children in this way. And in doing so, they are devoting themselves to God and His calling of them as parents; to take His children, train them up in the way they should go, and then give them back to Him.
Now, I don't want anyone to misunderstand me. I'm not saying that once you're a parent that you're never anything else. I do believe that parents have other roles in life as well. They aren't just parents but also a spouse, a friend, a co-worker, ect. Parents have hobbies and dreams as well and I believe that every parent needs a break every now and then and needs to have a "life" outside of their kids as long as it doesn't affect the kids in a negative way. My point is that to be a parent is a very high calling and to be given the opportunity to love and raise as many children as God would give is a gift no one should deny.
I don't think that there is such a thing as TOO many kids. I believe that God gives as many kids as He sees fit to each couple and that number, whatever it is, is just right.
All my life I have had a strong desire to be a mother. I have always said that I want four or five because in my mind that's not too few and not too many. However, when Kyle and I were preparing for marriage and discussed children we both agreed that we would trust God with how many kids we will have. We both have our own ideas about what number would be a good "fit" in our eyes but that is only in our eyes. Neither of us have ever been a parent before so we both admit that after baby number 1 our minds could change entirely. So, instead of relying on ourselves to make a "responsible" decision, we are trusting God to steer our hearts and minds towards His will for our family. We will receive with joy every child He gives us and will seek His will about when we have "enough."
So too many kids? No way.
Many blessings bestowed on those undeserving? Yes.
Fall 2010 Semester is Over
Semesters seem to begin and end in a whirlwind. As always, it's weird to go from nonstop reading and studying to absolutely nothing school related. I woke up today, petted my dog and told her, "Trudy, I don't know what to do today." lol No worries, I found things to do. There were dishes to clean and put away, clothes to wash, and some reading for pure enjoyment to be done.
I also tried watching a TV show called Psych since my beloved Monk has come to an end. I didn't like it so much. I didn't understand why he didn't just tell the police that he's gifted in noticing small but key details that most other people overlook instead of lying about being a psychic. I watched two episodes but I didn't really get into it. Monk is way better! While watching that show it felt like Monk and I had become best friends and when it ended, a little something died in me that day. I even cried! lol Monk is the best TVshow ever and I will have to revisit it soon!
Not only did my semester end this week but my newest niece, Cilicia Rose, was born on Tuesday morning! She's so cute with such pinchable cheeks! I can't wait to meet her and hold her when I go down to Houston for Christmas. It's a little weird not being there for her birth because I was there when her siblings were born. I was at the hospital when Isabella was born, at the house watching Isabella when Malea was born, and when I found out Levi was born, I was able to head down to Houston that day with a friend to see him. This time I have to wait a few weeks and it's killing me! I can't wait to see her!
I also tried watching a TV show called Psych since my beloved Monk has come to an end. I didn't like it so much. I didn't understand why he didn't just tell the police that he's gifted in noticing small but key details that most other people overlook instead of lying about being a psychic. I watched two episodes but I didn't really get into it. Monk is way better! While watching that show it felt like Monk and I had become best friends and when it ended, a little something died in me that day. I even cried! lol Monk is the best TVshow ever and I will have to revisit it soon!
Not only did my semester end this week but my newest niece, Cilicia Rose, was born on Tuesday morning! She's so cute with such pinchable cheeks! I can't wait to meet her and hold her when I go down to Houston for Christmas. It's a little weird not being there for her birth because I was there when her siblings were born. I was at the hospital when Isabella was born, at the house watching Isabella when Malea was born, and when I found out Levi was born, I was able to head down to Houston that day with a friend to see him. This time I have to wait a few weeks and it's killing me! I can't wait to see her!
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Cilicia Rose DeAses December 7, 2010 |
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