Monday, May 23, 2011

Jesus Didn't Come Back...But He Will

Saturday has come and gone and "the rapture" didn't happen. Jesus didn't come back and the world isn't at an end. I'm not surprised.

Harold Camping made a "prediction" by making "calculations" of different numbers in Scripture and stating that the rapture would take place on May 21st at 6pm. I don't need to know exactly what kind of "calculations" Camping did to know that he is absolutely heretical and doesn't understand how the Bible is to be read. Camping has done this once before, back in 1994. He was wrong then too. I have no idea what made him think he should try again and I have no idea why so many people were deceived by him again. Anyone claiming to know when Jesus is coming back is a false prophet. The Bible clearly states that only God the Father knows the day and the hour of Jesus' return. Matthew 24:36 says, "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone." It's that simple.

Jesus will return one day, we can know that without a doubt, but no one knows when. We are to be ready, however, when it does happen. So live each day for the glory of God and live out His will, being ready for His return. It could happen at any moment.


Check out these links for some good articles on this issue.


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