Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hebrew, Dogs & Travels

This semester Kyle and I are learning Hebrew. Kyle is a little ahead of me as he's already had a semester of Hebrew. I'm hoping he'll be able to help me when I get stuck. So far, it would appear that I know the alphabet better than he does yet he can read it and understand the vowels better than I can. Today I'm working on vowels. It basically comes down to memorizing the symbols, names, and pronounciation. I'm working on it but it almost seems too easy which makes me think that maybe I'm missing something. I'll go over it with Kyle later and see if he can help me. Under all that silliness he is a very smart guy. ;)

I love dogs. Kyle and I are both dog lovers. However, I have little patience with a dog that demands attention, especially when I'm trying to study Hebrew. Eariler, I was studying the vowels and Trudy (our large Lab/Pit Bull mix) curled right up against me on the bed and laid her head on my book which was lying on my lap. Cassie was also whining and yelping for my attention. Why they choose to do this now when I really need to focus is beyond me. Trudy also thinks that when I'm up cleaning that I'm in need of her neverending presence. While folding sheets she is right there, standing on them and getting in the way. Cleaning the bathroom she stands in the hallway sniffing everything and inspecting everything I do. When I'm walking back and forth from the laundry room to the bedroom she follows me and being as large as she is, she naturally gets in the way. If I'm in the kitchen cooking or baking, she is definitely there too watching my every move. I always tell her that it would be great if she could actually help but since she can't, leave me alone! I suppose this is good preparation for kids. lol I don't hate Trudy at all but she definitely gets on my nerves sometimes. Other than that she is a really good dog with a lot of love for her people. Haha.

My niece's birthday is coming up on the 14th and we're throwing her a surprise party. She's turning 6 and had the idea herself. lol She doesn't know that her mom and dad are actually doing it though so it should be fun! They live in Houston and Kyle and I are driving down there and staying with my parents over the weekend. We haven't seen my family since the wedding so I'm looking forward to it. We really didn't get much time to spend together since we were all so busy with wedding details. So, we'll enjoy a little time with the family and a birthday party as well as take some senior pictures. My brother is a highschool senior this year so my mom wants Kyle and I to take his senior photos. I'm excited about that because it will be a learning experience and who better to practice on than your family? lol

Well, Kyle will be home in about an hour which is something I always look forward to. I'm not sure if it's him or if it's because that's when we eat dinner....probably both. :P Until next time....

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