Saturday, September 4, 2010

Long Day


I am so glad that all of my responsibilities for the day are over with. I woke up this morning thinking that today was going to be a relaxing-take-it-easy kind of day. I slept in, which felt great, took a shower and finished a movie that I had started yesterday and didn't finish. [Side note: Happy Accidents is an odd but good movie. I knew nothing about it when I started watching it but it really grabbed my attention. I like it because, though it was not a unique story, it kept me wondering about the end the entire time. If you get a chance, watch it.] So, I finished the movie and then ate lunch. Kyle had woken up before me and went to meet up with a friend so I was on my own for a little while. I got my reading homework done and studied Hebrew. While studying I rememered that I wanted to clean out the freezer and kitchen cabinets today. The cabinets are stuffed full with...well, STUFF, and the contents were spilling over onto the counters. Very little has its own place in this house and I'm trying to fix that. I'm somewhat of a neat feak...more of an organized freak...and when nothing has its place it drives me crazy. So, I'm trying to get this house into order but it is a very big and hard task. Upon rememberance of my goals for today I texted Kyle to remind him so when he got home we got to work. It took a few hours to go through four cabinets and we threw a lot of stuff away. I took all of the pots, pans, and other cooking items out of the cabinets and sorted through all of them. Anything really old, gross looking or not needed I threw away. Everything I wanted to keep I washed and put back in the cabinet. I thought going through this stuff, getting rid of things, and making room to put things away would make me feel better. I just grew more and more agitated though. To clean a mess you often times have to create a mess and it was bothering me. It wasn't just that but that I had been on my feet for a long time and hadn't taken a break. I don't really take breaks though. Once I get going on something I don't stop until it is finished. I can't relax until it is finished. I think that is both a curse and a blessing. Anyway, I think we got done around 6 and it was going to be time for dinner soon. That was another reason for my agitation...I was cooking dinner and I knew that it would just create more of a mess and more dishes to wash. At this point, I had to go lay down for a little bit before cooking dinner. I was going to loose it otherwise. I felt better after taking some time to lay down on the bed and then went to cook dinner. Thankfully dinner was easy tonight! Quesadillas! After eating I felt even can be a horrible experience to be around me when I am both tired and hungry. Kyle knows this. I'm learning to control my emotions but it can be hard. Kyle handles it well though and is learning when to leave me alone and when to try to help. He just made me a chocolate milk shake and that definitely helps. :) I'm exhausted so hopefully I will sleep well tonight. Last night I woke up at 4am, fell back to sleep, and then woke up at 6am not being able to fall back to sleep for about an hour or so. I don't know what's up with that but I need to sleep well tonight so I'll get up for church tomorrow. Last Sunday we didn't go to church because I had not slept well the night before and couldn't get up. I don't want to miss tomorrow so hopefully I'll get plenty of sleep tonight.

Man, what a day. I'm hoping that the next two days of my three day weekend will be relaxing!

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