My life as a wife... "The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man.' For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh." - Genesis 2:23-24
Sunday, September 19, 2010
My Beloved
"My beloved is mine and I am his...." - Song of Solomon 2:16a
There are times when I get so caught up in the things I have to do that I forget to count my husband as a blessing. Sometimes I focus so much on my goals for the day or the week that I put on tunnel vision and simply live to meet those goals. Sometimes I get so caught up that I forget to greet my husband with a smile and a kiss. I get frustrated and tired and cranky that I'll take it out on him because he's there. I'm not sure what snaps me out of it but there are times when I remember how much of a blessing Kyle is. His birthday did it to me this time. He turned 27 on Friday and all week he acted like a kid. He kept begging Mom for his presents and was so excited about his birthday. It got kind of annoying after a while but we all ended up enjoying the day. I kept thinking about how blessed I am that I can celebrate the day my husband was born. I'm so thankful that God gave Kyle life and then after 26 years He gave him to me. I am amazed again and again how perfectly Kyle and I are made for each other. We don't always see eye to eye but I could not have another man as a husband. Kyle is so patient and understanding. He is just what I need and God knows that very well. When everything settles down for the day and I begin to *try* to relax, I see and feel him sitting there next to me and I remember to cherish him. I remember to be grateful for the ability to cuddle up next to him, hold his hand, talk to him. I adore him in a way that every wife should adore her husband. I hope that after 20, 30, 40 and more years of marriage that I will still adore him. I never want to be the kind of wife that speaks bad of her husband. I believe wives should speak truthfully (because I understand the need to vent) but not in a disrepectful, unloving way. I've heard wives talk about their husbands and rarely do I hear them say how much they love and adore them. I hope that I never become that kind of wife - mad, bitter and exhausted. Kyle is a great husband and I love him so much. I am so thankful for his life and his love. He is my beloved and I am his...and I am so incredibly blessed.
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I'm so glad for the joy you've found! And I love the picture! :)